María Josefina Barajas: Crónicas venezolanas dispersas: una propuesta para su reunión y estudio".

 Spanish and Portuguese     Jan 23 2019 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HH 344

María Josefina Barajas, a Fulbright scholar from Venezuela currently in residence in our department, will give a talk on her current research on Wednesday, January 23rd at noon, in HH 344. Her talk is entitled “Crónicas venezolanas dispersas: una  propuesta para su reunión y estudio”.

Her talk is sponsored by the Spanish department and the Latin American Studies Center.

Please find María Josefina’s professional bio below.

I hope you all can come to support and learn from María Josefina.
MARÍA JOSEFINA BARAJAS was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She holds a PhD in Literature and a Master’s degree in Latin American Literature from Universidad Simón Bolívar. She received her B.A. degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), and holds a graduate course diploma in editing from Cavelibros / UCV. She is an Associate Professor at the Escuela de Letras and in the Master’s Program in Literary Studies (UCV). She has been a guest professor at the School of Social Communication (UCV) and at Universidad Nacional Experimental del Yaracuy (Gilberto Antolínez Graduate Course on Training for Chroniclers, in Venezuela). She took part in the Research, Critiques and Literary Essays Workshop organized by Fundación Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Rómulo Gallegos (Celarg). She has worked as Editorial Production Assistant at Fundación Biblioteca Ayacucho, Academic Coordinator for Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Education (UCV), and editor of that same institution’s journal Akademos.

Her areas of research are Latin American literature and Latin American literary theory and critique. Her latest research are special focus in journalism and literary chronicles. Her published works include: Articles on the writing of chronicles and on Venezuelan and Latin American literature (some of which are available at and Saber.UCV), and two books: Imaginarios de una cotidianidad (Puerto Rico en sus crónicas periodístico-literarias de los años 80), which received special mention by the judges of the Concurso Fernando Paz Castillo de Ensayo Literario, organized by Celarg, in 1996 (Fundación Casa de Bello, 1998); and Textos con salvoconducto. La crónica periodístico-literaria venezolana de finales del XX, which received honorable mention as a finalist at the 10th Concurso Anual Transgenérico, Fundación para la Cultura Urbana, in 2010 (Ediciones de la Biblioteca de la UCV / Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, 2013). She lives in Caracas.

Today María Josefina is a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at University of California, Irvine (Fall 2018 to Winter 2019), where she is working on the edition of a critical anthology of the XX century Venezuelan literary and journalistic chronicles.