European Studies

The standing list of courses below are generally approved as listed for each emphasis in European Studies independent of the quarter in which they are offered.  The course’s home department determines when the course will be offered.

British Studies
English 102A Medieval and Renaissance Literature
English 102B Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
History 116A England in the Early Middle Ages
History 116B Later Medieval England
History 118A Britain 1700-1850
History 118B Modern Britain: 1850-1930
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to the Present

Early Modern (1450-1789)
Art History 40B Arts of Europe: Medieval and Renaissance
Art History 120 Studies in Renaissance And Baroque Art
Art History 121 Studies in Southern Renaissance Art
Art History 123 Studies in Northern Renaissance Art
Art History 125 Studies in Southern Baroque Art
Art History 128 Studies in Northern Baroque Art
Art History 134A Early Modern European Art: Age of Absolution
Comp Lit 40B Development of Drama: Restoration Drama through
English 102A Medieval and Renaissance Literature
English 102B Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
European Studies 10 Historical Foundations
European Studies 101A European Studies Core I - Early Europe (Pre - 1789)
European Studies 102 Topics in Early European History and Culture: Pre-1789
French 116 16th-Century French Literature
French 117 Seventeenth Century French
French 118 Eighteenth-Century French Literature
German 117 Topics in German Literature and Culture 750-1750
German 118 Studies in the Age of Goethe
History 112D Topics in Early Modern Europe
History 128A Women and Gender In Early Modern Europe: 1400 - 1700
Philosophy 113 Topics in Modern Philosophy
Philosophy 132 Topics in Political and Social Philosophy
Religious Studies 140 Early Western Religious Traditions
Spanish 121 Golden Age Literature & Culture
French Studies
French 50 French Culture and the Modern World
French 101A Introduction to Nineteenth-Century French Literature
French 101B Introduction to Eighteenth-Century French Literature
French 101C Introduction to Twentieth-Century French Literature
French 110 Problems in French Culture
French 116 Sixteenth-Century French Literature
Fench 117 Seventeenth-Century French Literature
French 118 Eighteenth-Century French Literature
French 119 Nineteenth-Century French Literature
French 120 Twentieth-Century French & Francophone Literature
French 140 Studies in French Literary Genre
French 150 Topics in French Literature and Culture
French 160 French Cinema
French 170 History and Literature
French 171 Politics and Literature
French 180 Junior/Senior Seminar in Theory and Criticism
History 120B The French Revolution: 1774-1815
History 120C Revolution, Nation, and Modernity: France, 1789-1900
History 120D War and Empire: France and the World in the 20th Century
History 120E History of Paris

German Studies
German 50 Science, Society and Mind
German 101 Introduction to Literature
German 102 German Culture & Society
German 103 German Film
German 104 Introduction to Germanic Linguistics
German 105 German for Professions
German 115 Advanced German for Business and Economics
German 117 Topics in German Literature and Culture 750-1750
German 118 Studies in the Age of Goethe
German 119 Studies in Nineteenth-Century German Literature and Culture
German 120 Studies in Twentieth Century German Literature and Culture
German 130 Topics in German Literature and culture
German 140 Topics in Literary theory and Criticism
German 150 German Literature and Culture in Translation
German 160 German Cinema
History 10 The Holocaust
History 122B Hitler & the Germans
History 122C World War, Cold War, and Reunification: 1939-
History 126A The Era of World War I: 1900-1939
History 126B The Era of World War II: 1933 - 45
History 126C The Cold War and After: Europe and the World, 1945-91
History 127B Hegel to Nietzsche
History 130B Modern Jewish History
Philosophy 113 Topics in Modern Philosophy
Philosophy 116 Topics in Continental Philosophy
Philosophy 151 Existentialism
Political Science 138A The Moral of the Story: Introductory Seminar in Ethics
Political Science 152C German Politics & Society

Italian Studies
Art History 40B Arts of Europe: Medieval and Renaissance
Art History 121 Studies in Southern Renaissance Art
Art History 125 Studies in Southern Baroque Art
Classics 37A The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Origins to Roman Republic
Classics 37B The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Roman Empire
Classics 37C The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: The Fall of Rome
Italian 150 Topics in Italian Literature and Culture

Medieval Studies
Art History 40B Arts of Europe: Medieval and Renaissance
Art History 110 Studies in Medieval Art
Art History 112 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art
Art History 114 Studies in Western Medieval Art
English 102A Medieval and Renaissance Literature
History 110A Europe in the Early Middle Ages
History 110B Europe in the Central Middle Ages
History 110C Europe in the Later Middle Ages
History 110D Topics in Medieval Europe
History 116A England in the Early Middle Ages
History 116B Later Medieval England
History 130A Jewish History, Ancient to Early Modern Times
Philosophy 11 History of Medieval Philosophy
Philosophy 111 Topics in Medieval Philosophy
Spanish 116 Medieval Spanish Literature & Culture

Mediterranean Studies
Art History 40A Ancient Egyptian, Greek, & Roman Art & Architecture
Art History 40B Arts of Europe: Medieval and Renaissance
Art History 100 Studies In Ancient Art
Art History 103 Studies in Greek Art
Art History 107 Studies in Roman Art
Art History 110 Studies in Medieval Art
Art History 112 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art
Art History 121 Studies in Southern Renaissance Art
Art History 125 Studies in Baroque Art
Classics 36A The Formation of Ancient Greek Society: Early Greece
Classics 36B The Formation of Ancient Greek Society: Late Archaic and Classical Greece
Classics 36C The Formation of Ancient Greek Society: Fourth-Century and Hellenistic Greece
Classics 37A The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Origins to Roman Republic
Classics 37B The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Roman Empire
Classics 37C The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: The Fall of Rome
Classics 45A Classical Mythology: The Gods
Classics 45B Classical Mythology: The Heroes
Classics 45C Classical Mythology: Ancient and Modern Perspectives of Classical Mythology
Classics 140 Classics and History: the Ancient World
Classics 150 Classical Mythology
Classics 151 The Olympians
Classics 160 Topics in Classical Literature in English Translation
Classics 170 Topics in Classical Civilization
Classics 175 Multicultural Stuides and the Classics
Classics 176 International Studies and the Classics
French 127 Francophone Literature & Culture
Greek 103 Seminar in Greek Prose
Greek 104 Seminar in Greek Poetry
History 105B Later Roman Empire
History 105C The Classical Tradition
History 130A Jewish History from Ancient to Early Modern
History 130B Modern Jewish History
Latin 103 Seminar in Latin Prose
Latin 104 Seminar in Latin Poetry
Philosophy 10 History of Ancient Philosophy

Modern Europe (1798-)
Art History 40C Early Modern & Modern Art in Europe & America
Art History 134A Early Modern European Art: Age of Absolutism
Art History 134B Modern European Art: From Revolution to Realism
Art History 134C Modern European Art: From Impressionism to the Fauves
Art History 134D Modern European Art: From Cubism to Surrealism
Art History 134E Topics in Modern European Art
European Studies 11 Contemporary Issues and Institutions
European Studies 101B European Studies Core Ii: Modern Europe (1789-Present)
European Studies 103 Topics in Modern European History and Culture: Post-1789
French 101B Introduction to French 18th Century Literature
French 101C Introduction to French 20th Century Literature
French 119 Nineteenth-Century French Literature
French 120 Twentieth-Century French Literature
French 160 French Cinema
German 119 Studies in Nineteenth-Century German Lit and Culture
German 120 Studies in Twentieth Century German Literature & Culture
German 130 Topics in German Literature and Culture
German 150 German Literature and Culture in Translation
German 160 German Cinema
History 10 The Holocaust
History 21C World: Wars & Rights
History 114 Topics in Modern European History
History 115C Europe: Twentieth Century
History 118A Modern Britain: 1700-1850
History 118B Modern Britain: 1850-1930
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to Present
History 120B The French Revolution: 1774 - 1815
History 120C Revolution, Nation, and Modernity: France, 1789-1900
History 120D War and Empire: France and the World in the 20th Century
History 122B Hitler & the Germans
History 124A Imperial Russia: 1689-1905
History 126A The Era of World War I: 1900-1939
History 126B The Era of World War II: 1933 - 45
Philosophy 7 Introduction to Existentialism
Philosophy 12 History of Modern Philosophy
Philosophy 113 Topics in Modern Philosophy
Philosophy 114 Topics in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy
Philosophy 116 Topics in Continental Philosophy
Political Science 138A The Moral of the Story: Introductory Seminar in Ethics
Political Science 141D Immigration Politics in Western Europe
Political Science 149 Communism & Eastern Europe
Political Science 152C German Politics & Society
Political Science 152F West European Politics
Political Science 152G European Politics
Political Science 154C Comparative Politics: Four Nations, Three Continents
Political Science 156C Citizen Politics
Political Science 159 Europe in Crisis
Political Science 171C Comparative Constitutional Politics
Political Science 172A International Law
Religious Studies 141 Recent Western Religious Traditions
Russian 50 Russian Culture
Russian 140 Topics in Russian Literary Theory
Russian 150 Topics in Russian Literature
Spanish 122 Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literature & Culture
Spanish 123 Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Spanish Literature & Culture

Encounters with the Non-European World
African American Studies 137 History of the African Diaspora
African American Studies 156 African Societies and Politics
Anthropology 136G Colonialism and Gender
Anthropology 162A Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
Anthropology 164A 21st Century Africa
French 50 French Culture and the Modern World
French 120 Twentieth-Century French & Francophone Literature
French 125 African Literature of French Expression
French 127 Francophone Literature & Culture
German 120 Studies in Twentieth Century German Literature and Culture
History 21B World: Empires & Revolutions
History 130B Modern Jewish History
History 134E History of the African Diaspora
History 150 Topics in African-American History
History 161A Indian and Colonial Societies in Mexico
History 161C Twentieth-Century Mexico
History 162 Topics in Brazil History
History 171E Chinese History: 1800-1949
History 171F Chinese History: 1949-Present
History 132 Israel and Palestine
History 133A Emergence of Modern Middle East
History 133B North Africa sicne 1500: Islam and Colonialism
Humanities 100 Latin America and the Caribbean
Portuguese 122 Topics in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Culture
Spanish 100C Pre-Hispanic to Nineteenth Century

Russian Studies
History 124A Imperial Russia
History 124B Twentieth-Century Russia
History 126A The Era of World War I: 1900-1939
Russian 50 Russian Culture
Russian 140 Topics in Russian Literary Theory
Russian 150 Topics in Russian Literature
Russian 190 Russian Language Through Film
Soc Ecol E113 Social Ecology of Peace

Spanish-Portuguese Studies
Art History 121 Studies in Southern Renaissance Art
Art History 125 Studies in Southern Baroque Art
History 123D Topics in Spanish History
Portuguese 121 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature
Spanish 110A Peninsular Literature & Culture
Spanish 116 Medieval Spanish Literature & Culture
Spanish 121 Golden Age Literature & Culture
Spanish 122 Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literature & Culture
Spanish 123 Twentieth- and Twenty-First- Century Spanish Literature & Culture
Spanish 130A Latin American Colonial Literature & Culture
Spanish 185 Selected Topics in Peninsular Literature & Culture