

Dates and Times: April 6  | 4:00 - 7:30 PM
April 20 and 27 | 4:00 - 6:30 PM
April 11 | 2:00 - 4:30 PM

Event Location: McCormick Screening Room, Humanities Gateway**
**International Speakers will Join the Discussion via Zoom

Brazil, the country with the largest Black population outside of Africa, is dramatically impacting the film industry.  A new generation of mostly young filmmakers is changing the historical absence of Afro-descendants in almost all sectors of the film industry, an arena from which Black women have been doubly excluded. The last decade has seen a growing body of films with a diverse set of approaches to cinema which challenge the historical flattening of representations of Black life in Brazil.

6 April 2022 - Day One: Roots of Afro-Brazilian Cinema 
In partnership with Myiam J. A. Chancy, HBA Chair in the Humanities at Scripps College, opening talk by Kênia Freitas followed by screening of Raquel Gerber’s Ôrí: A reconstrução da identidade negra no Brasil (The Reconstruction of Black Identity in Brazil, 1989) and Zózimo Bulbul's Alma no Olho (Soul in the Eye, 1973) 
To Attend In-Person, Register HERE
To Participate Via Zoom Live Stream on April 6:  https://vimeo.com/689056332

11 April April 2022 - Day Two:  Café con Canela 
Screening of feature length-film Café con Canela (Coffee with Cinnamon, 2017, 104’) followed by Q&A with the directors Glenda Nicácio and Ary Rosas
To Attend In-Person, Register HERE
To Participate Via Zoom Live Stream on April 11: https://vimeo.com/689057142

20 April 2022 - Day Three: Temporada and República
Screening of short República followed by screening of feature length-filmTemporada (Long Way Home, 2018, 113') and Q&A [with the director André Novais] with director/actress Grace Passô
To Attend In-Person, Register HERE
To Participate Via Zoom Live Stream on April 20: https://vimeo.com/689056766

27 April 2022 - Day Four: Shorts and New Directions
Screening of 4-5 shorts followed by a round-table with the directors
  • Yuri Costa (Egum
  • Naira Evine (O Dia Que Resolvi Voar)
  • Diego Paulino (Negrum3
  • Larissa Lima (Vó, a Senhora é Lésbica?)

To Attend In-Person, Register HERE
To Participate Via Zoom Live Stream on April 27: https://vimeo.com/689057327

Contact information: Keiji Kunigami akunigam@uci.edu or Adriana Johnson,adriana.johnson@uci.edu.  Registration for in-person is open.  Registration for zoom will be available in April.

Photo Credit:  Still from Café con Canela (Coffee with Cinnamon)


Co-Sponsored by Illuminations: The Chancellor's Arts & Culture Initiative