Ways to Give
Making an online gift is simple. Please visit our secure direct giving page to make an online gift to the School of Humanities: https://secure.give.uci.edu/give-to-uci-school-of-humanities/
To give to an initiative or department that is not listed, donate to the “Dean’s Excellence Fund” and indicate your designation in the “Notes” section.
Check/Money Order/Telephone
If you’d like to donate via check or money order, please print the gift form and mail documents to UC Irvine along with your check or money order. In this form, please specify your Choice of Support as the School of Humanities. Please do not send cash via U.S. Mail.
Print: https://brilliantfuture.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/giftForm.pdf
Mail to:
UC Irvine Gift Administration
University Advancement
111 Theory, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92617
If you'd prefer to directly donate over the telephone, please contact:
Kelsey Lee
Associate Director of Development
Email: kelseysl@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-0052
4349 Humanities Gateway
Electronic Transfers and Direct Deductions
To make an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) donation to the School of Humanities, please contact:
Christie Israel
Controller, UCI Foundation
Email: cisrael@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-1509
If you are a UC Irvine employee, you may authorize UC Irvine's Payroll Department to take a monthly deduction from your paycheck and designate a campus program, school or department to receive your gift.
1. Access the Payroll Deduction form online: https://secure.give.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/secure.give_.uci_.edu-payroll-deduction-form.pdf
2. Print, sign and send this form to the University Advancement Gift Administration Office:
UC Irvine Gift Administration
University Advancement
111 Theory, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92617
For more information on a UC Irvine payroll deduction, please contact Gift Administration at gift-admin@uci.edu.
NOTE: Some employers allow their employees to give to UC Irvine through their own company's payroll reduction plan. To see if your employer offers this service, please contact your employer's human resources or payroll department.
Stock and Securities
You can complete and print out the Stock and Securities Notification Form and mail it to:
UC Irvine Gift Administration
University Advancement
111 Theory, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92617
Please specify the School of Humanities as your gift purpose. You may also fax the completed form to (949) 824-2774.
Deferred/Planned Gifts
Planned giving is a vehicle which allows donors to make larger gifts than they could make from their income alone. For more information on planned giving options please visit https://plannedgiving.uci.edu/. Should you have specific inquiries, please contact:
Jiesi Zhao, Esq.
Executive Director of Planned Giving
Email: giftplan@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-8134
For more details on Types of Gifts, please visit: Types of Gifts