
Protest and Repression in Hong Kong and Iran: 2019 to 2022

October 20, 3pm to 4:30pm, at UCI in HIB 135

A UCI Forum for the Academy and the Public and UCI Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture Pop-Up Panel, co-sponsored by the History Department

This event will focus on the dramatic demonstrations that took place in Hong Kong several years ago and those underway right now in Iran, and bring in as well the crackdowns on dissent that have taken place in each setting. Featuring an activist involved in the Hong Kong struggle, a leading analyst of gender and protest in Iran, and, as moderator, a prominent scholar of comparative social movements, this panel will explore similarities and differences between the two settings. The goal is to help the audience get a fuller understanding than soundbite driven coverage can provide of the recent past and current situations in Hong Kong and Iran, and the stakes involved in the struggles in both places.

Viewable by ZOOM (register here https://uci.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KMKUCqzZS7SccDM2FYpXeA ), but questions will be taken only from the in person audience at UC Irvine.


Featured speakers:

Nathan Law, a pro-democracy activist and former legislator from Hong Kong, living in exile in London, and author of Freedom: How We Lose It and How We Fight Back.

Pardis Mahdavi, Provost and Executive Vice President of the University of Montana, and author of Passionate Uprisings: The Intersection of Sexuality and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Iran.


Moderator: Craig Calhoun, University Professor of Social Sciences, ASU, and co-author of Degenerations of Democracy.