
Please join UCI New Swan Shakespeare Center virtually on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 12:00 - 1:30 PM via Zoom for a talk titled "The Psalms as Literature" by Prof. Robert Alter (UC Berkeley).

Register for this Zoom meeting here.

As part of its Spring 2022 community lecture series, Shakespeare's Psalms, UCI New Swan Shakespeare Center is pleased to welcome Professor Robert Alter to a virtual gathering.

Robert Alter is a Professor in the Graduate School and Emeritus Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature at the University of California at Berkeley, where he has taught since 1967.  He has written widely on the European novel from the eighteenth century to the present, on contemporary American fiction, and on modern Hebrew literature. He has also written extensively on literary aspects of the Bible.  His twenty-four published books include two prize-winning volumes on biblical narrative and poetry and award-winning translations of Genesis and of the Five Books of Moses.  He has devoted book-length studies to Fielding, Stendhal, and the self-reflexive tradition in the novel. Books by him have been translated into ten different languages. Among his publications over the past twenty-five years are Necessary Angels: Tradition and Modernity in Kafka, Benjamin, and Scholem (1991), The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel  (1999),  Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture (2000), The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary (2004), Imagined Cities  (2005),  The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary (2007), Pen of Iron: American Prose and the King James Bible (2010),  The Wisdom Books: A Translation with Commentary (2010), and Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets.

Co-sponsored by The Shakespeare Workshop, UC Santa Cruz, and UCI Center for Jewish Studies.

Please register separately for the other meetings in this series.

For information, contact Prof. Julia Lupton, (jrlupton@uci.edu)