Spending his summer working as a project engineer intern with Adroit Construction Co., junior Mathew Dougan is leaving his mark on Oregon Tech, literally. Since beginning his internship with Adroit in June, Mathew has been helping the construction team on the Center for Excellence in Engineering and Technology (CEET) building at Oregon Tech’s Klamath Falls campus.
“In the time that I have interned with Adroit, I have been able to connect many of the concepts from my classes to the real world. This has shown me how versatile the civil engineering degree is and anyone who is in the program has many career options waiting for them.”
Originally from Bonanza, Mathew began his degree at
Klamath Community College (KCC) where he earned an Associate of Science degree. Transferring to Oregon Tech, he then began working on the co-current bachelor and master's degree in Civil Engineering. Staying on this course, he will graduate in Spring 2022.
In addition to CEET, Mathew has worked on the remodel of Phoenix High School in Ashland, the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center Parking Garage Expansion, and on the Rouge Regional Cancer Center. “I love the experience I am getting and can't wait to see what else is in store."
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