Thanks to the financial commitments from an Oregon benefactor, Oregon Tech is honored to announce the James and Shirley Rippey Family Foundation Concrete Laboratory in Cornett Hall. The first lab of its kind at Oregon Tech, the James and Shirley Rippey Family Foundation Concrete Laboratory will allow students to run tests on concrete—the most widely used building material in the world. This lab includes all necessary equipment for concrete mix design, aggregate gradation, preparation of samples, and destructive or non-destructive testing equipment for determining mechanical properties of concrete. Investments into Oregon Tech from the James and Shirley Rippey Family Foundation will be felt by hundreds—if not thousands—of students who benefit from the James and Shirley Rippey Family Foundation Scholarship, the Oregon Tech Finish Line Fund, or the many students who will work their way through this lab. Please join us in thanking the James and Shirley Rippey Family Foundation for their support.
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