Grad student, Phillip Ninomiya, has recently been awarded a 2015 UC MEXUS dissertation research grant for his dissertation, "Colonial Cosmopolitanism: Local Merchants and the Trade in Pacific Goods in Mexico, 1620-1670."

In regards to the recent award and the progres it will allow him to make on his dissertation, Ninomiya says:

My project examines the trade in silks, ceramics, lacquerware and other imports from Asia in communities within colonial Mexico.  I follow the actions of small-scale merchants who brought these goods to understand how this commercial contact linked local consumers with distant manufacturers.  In other words, I am interested in how colonial Mexicans became cosmopolitan through participation in this trade.

I spent the fall quarter conducting research in Europe.  I was mostly in Seville at the Archivo General de Indias, though I did spend one week at the British Library in London as well.  Starting from the end of January, I will go to Mexico for six months to continue my investigations there.  My work concentrates on four locations: Mexico City, Puebla, Toluca and Acapulco.  I will visit the first three cities on this trip.

I will employ the UC MEXUS funding to return to Mexico during the 2016-2017 school year to continue my work over there.  I will be able to extend my work further into archives that I would not be able to see on this upcoming trip, and I will also be able to reach Acapulco for more research, as it was the gateway for all this commerce.