Stephanie Martinez (Left) and Berenice Tepozano (Right)

First-year graduate student, Stephanie Martinez was awarded a 2023 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship for her dissertation project, “Llena Eres de Gracia: Institutionalizing Indigenous Sexuality in Colonial Mexico.” Sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, this prestigious award will provide three years of research support.

The Ford Foundation also recognized first-year graduate student, Berenice Tepozano’s dissertation project, “Creating the Mexican Family: Race and Gender in the Eighteenth Century” on its Honorable Mention List. Given that a total of 1960 applications were received with each application reviewed by five evaluators for a total of 90 awards, we congratulate Stephanie and Berenice on their significant achievements! 

In the picture: Stephanie Martinez (Left) and Berenice Tepozano (Right)
