We recently asked Sigona a few questions about Teach for America and how her History degree will help her during her two year commitment. 

Why did you apply to Teach for America?
I applied for Teach For America because I want to have a meaningful career, and I feel like TFA is a great opportunity to make a difference.  As a first generation college student from a low income family, Teach For America's mission and goal to end education inequality really resonates with me.
Can you explain the application process?
Teach For America has a long and extensive application process. The process is broken down into four steps: an online application, a phone interview, an online test and module, and an all-day in person interview.

What are you excited about?
I am extremely excited to start teaching! While, I know that it is going to be difficult and I cannot fully prepare myself for this challenge, I am very eager to get my class and being to make a difference in my students' lives.

What are you nervous about?
I am also extremely nervous about teaching, and being a successful teacher. 

How do you think your History degree will help you while teaching?
History will definitely help me become a better teacher. At UCI I have learned not only how to write and think critically about the past, I have also learned how to problem solve. From watching professors and speaking with other teachers I know that being a successful problem solver is crucial to being a good teacher. 

Where will you be teaching? Did you choose that area for a reason?
I was lucky to be assigned to my first choice location, The Bay Area, specifically San Jose. I choose this area because I am from San Jose, and I want to give back to my home community.