Contemporary French Civilization (CFC), published by Liverpool University Press, is pleased to announce the results of our 5th Annual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award competition for the best conference paper submitted by a junior colleague in the field of contemporary French civilization and cultural studies.

2016 Award Recipient:

Patricia Goldsworthy (Associate Professor of History, Western Oregon University) for her essay, “Orientalist Legacies and Photography in Contemporary Morocco" in which she examines the re-appropriation of the colonial heritage by photographer Lalla Essaydi in her two series, “Converging Territories” and “Les Femmes du Maroc” and by scholars of the Groupe de Recherches et d’Etudes sur Casablanca (GREC) at the Université Hassan II in their publication of Casablanca rétro.

For more information about our winning author, please visit: