UCI's History Department is on of 36 departments to participate in the American Historical Association's 2017 Career Diversity Program. 

The Career Diversity for Historians Initiative aims to address the following insights:
1. Preparation for careers outside the academy fundamentally overlaps with preparation for 21st century careers inside the academy, both professorial and otherwise.

2. Learning to be a professional historian cannot be separated from learning to teach history, including engaging with scholarly literature on history education.

3. Only 1 in 6 history PhDs pursue careers as faculty at R1 institutions, despite the fact that most graduate programs are designed with this career outcome in mind.

4. The experiences and learning opportunities that best prepare students for careers inside and outside the academy should be integrated into the curriculum rather than be defined as external or supplemental.

5. The first step towards reconsidering a PhD program should be articulating its purpose.  A department can choose to align purpose with actual outcomes, aspirations, both, or neither.  But the choice should be intentional.

For more information in the program, visit:

Thank you to Laura Mitchell, David Igler & Kavita Philip for working on getting UCI into this exciting program!