Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate History Conference Presenters:
Kayla Hoang
Alyssa Park
Ben Fuller
Angel de Jesus Castillo
Jacob Rodriguez
Kevin Qin
Undergraduate Student Awards
Outstanding Presentation Award - Spiro Sun, Catherine Johnson
Undergraduate Research Award - Kayla Hoang, Jacob Rodriguez
Vicki L. Ruiz Scholarship in History - Isabel Verduzco
Humanities Award in History - Jasmine Doan
Graduate Students
Master of Arts in History Graduates
Rivka Arbetter, “Rumor and Intercession: How Eleanor of Aquitane’s Mediator Role Affected Her Reputation as Queen of England” (Advisor: McLoughlin)
Gayane Iskandaryan, “A Crack in the Iron Curtain: Armenia-Diaspora Relations and Soviet Armenian Migration to Los Angeles County, 1988-2000s” (Advisor: Berberian)
Tram Vu, “Virginity, Identity, and Margery Kempe” (Advisor: Nancy McLoughlin)
Doctor of Philosophy in History Graduates
Noah Dolim, “‘To Grow and Give Life to the Nation’: Native Hawaiian Women’s Clubs, Governance, and Sovereignties” (Committee Chair: Adria Imada) Filing Summer 2023.
Javiera Letelier Carvajal, “Modernizing Households: Gender and Consumption in Chile, 1959-1973. The Promotion, Sale, and Acquisition of Household Appliances” (Committee Chair: Heidi Tinsman)
Brian Spivey, “Pollution Revolution: Maoist Environmentalism in the Late Cultural Revolution, 1970-1974” (Committee Chairs: Emily Baum & Jeff Wasserstrom)
Stephanie Narrow, “Systems of Subordination: Race, Culture, and Imperial Order in the Gold Rush Pacific” (Committee Chair: David Igler) Filing Summer 2023.
Pratichi Priyambada, ““Slaves,” “Prostitutes” or “Performers”: Indian Women Dancers in Colonial Western India” (Committee Chair: Judy Tzu-Chun Wu) Filing Summer 2023.
Makanani Sala, Title Unavailable - studies the use of education as a tool for US Cultural Imperialism in Hawaii in the 19th & 20th-centuries, (Committee Chair: Adria Imada), Filing Summer 2023.
Ayuko Takeda, “Chains of Internment: U.S. Military Governance of Camps in the Northern Mariana Islands and Okinawa, 1944-1946” (Committee Chair: Adria Imada) Filing Summer 2023.
Graduate Student Departmental Awards
Dickson D. Bruce Graduate Research Award: Christian Toshiro Okubo
Charles & Ann Quilter Graduate Student Awards:Emilee Ramirez, Jafet Rodriguez Yak, Camila Sanhueza, Gabi Straughn, Wyatt Wiggins
Summer Research Awards: Josthin Amado Hernandez, Clay Ammentorp, Dante Garcia, Nathaniel Pigott, Pedro Puentes, Bedros Torosian, Ogūl Tuna
Graduate Student Fellowships & Awards
Spencer Gomez, “Center for the Study of Global Slavery Internship, Smithsonian - National Museum of African American History and Culture”
Javiera Letelier Carvajal, “Mellon Humanities Faculty Fellowship”
Stephanie Martinez, “Ford Foundation’s Predoctoral Fellowship”
Stephanie Narrow, “Mellon Applied History Fellow, Center of the American West, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder”
Pedro Puentes, “H.O.T Summer Fellow”, “Outstanding Advisor of the Year, Sorority & Fraternity Life”, “UCI What Matters to me & Why Committee Member”, “UCHRI Multicampus Graduate Student Working Group Grant”
Elif Shannon-Chastain, “Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian”
Brian Spivey, “Mellon Humanities Faculty Fellowship”
Berenice Tepozano, ““Ford Foundation’s Predoctoral Fellowship Honorable Mention”
Ogūl Tuna, “OC Trex Scholarship”, “Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian”, “History Graduate Student Organization at Texas A&M Paper Award for Best PhD Paper”
Wyatt Wiggins, “H.O.T Summer Fellow”, “DTEI Summer Scholars Award”, “UC MRPI Routes of Enslavement Research Grant”, “Center for Medical Humanities Research Award”
Graduate Student Publications
Stephanie Narrow
Unequal Sisters: A Radical Reader in U.S. Women's History (5th edition), Co-Editor with Vicki L Ruiz, Kim Cary Warren, and Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Forthcoming 2023
"'Nothing Less Than Justice:' The 1977 California International Women's Year Conference," Co-Authored with Dr. Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Haleigh Marcello, California History, Forthcoming Summer 2023
"'From the Margins Toward the Center: California Women and the National Women's Conference," Co-Authored with Dr. Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Haleigh Marcello, Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000, Volume 26, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2022
"Empires, Oceans, and Emotion: Unexpected Encounters in the Archive,"Americas and Oceania Collections Blog, Eccles Centre for American Studies, The British Library, 25 August 2023
Pratichi Priyambada
Review of Dancing Women: Choreographing Corporeal Histories of Hindi Cinema, by Usha Iyer. South Asian History and Culture, DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2022.2094951
Wyatt Wiggins
Book Review of Manuel Covo’s “Entrepôt of Revolutions: Saint-Domingue, Commercial Sovereignty, and the French-American Alliance”, in The Journal of the Early Republic
Ogul Tuna
“Will Türkiye Find Herself a Place in the New World Order?” Transatlantic Policy Quarterly 21, no. 4 (Winter 2022). https://doi.org/10.58867/VHOH8495.
“Gramsci’yi Kremlin’den Okumak: Hegemonya Karşıtı Bir Proje Olarak Rus Avrasyacılığı” [Reading Gramsci from the Kremlin: Russian Eurasianism as an Anti-Hegemony Project], DSJOURNAL The Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy, July 2022: 11-31. ISSN: 2717-7866.
“Turkey’s Television Series Including Ladino with a Jewish Protagonist.” Sephardic Horizons 12, no. 2–3 (Summer-Fall 2022). Co-authored. ISSN: 2158-1800. https://www.sephardichorizons.org/Volume12/Issues2-3/Kulup.html
“Evolution of Latinization in Turkic states: From Sovietization to Nationalization,” NYU Jordan Center, November 3, 2022. https://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/evolution-of-latinization-movement-among-turkic-states-from-sovietization-to-nationalization
Pedro Puentes
"The Role of Academic Bridge Leaders in Higher Education: Setting the Foundation for Latinx Student Success" in Journal of Education and Social Justice (Forthcoming Spring 2023)
Spencer Gomez
2023 Borucki, Alex and Spencer Gomez. "Digitization, Datasets, and (Re)discovering Slaving Voyages in New Granada." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 4, no. 2 (2023): 22-26.
New Faculty Books
Talar Chahinian - Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian language in Exile, Syracuse University Press
Vinayak Chaturvedi - Hindutva and Violence: V. D. Savarkar and the Politics of History, SUNY Press
Matthias Lehmann, The Baron: Maurice de Hirsch and the Jewish Nineteenth Century, Stanford University Press
Mark LeVine, We’ll Play till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World, UC Press
Chelsea Schields - Offshore Attachments: Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean, University of California Press
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu - Fierce and Fearless: Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman of Color in Congress, NYU Press
Fellowships & Awards
Kevan Aguilar, ““Paul Vanderwood Best Article Prize in Mexican History”
Alex Borucki, UC MRPI Grant for project “Routes of Enslavement in the Americas”
Diu-Huong Nguyen, “2023-2023 Hellman Fellowship Award”
Chelsea Schields, “Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Linda Hall Library”, “NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine”
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, “2022 Sarah Mazelis Health Promotion Practice Paper of the Year”, “2023 Mary Nickliss Prize in Women’s and/or Gender History”, “Excellence in Mentorship Award from the Association for Asian American Studies”