Pronouns: (she/her/hers)
My research examines how the environment exacerbates racial and social inequities in the U.S. South. My master’s thesis explored how residents of Cancer Alley, Louisiana, have experienced emotional, generational, and physical erasure as a result of both natural and manmade disasters. I have also published work on the lack of historical research on youth migration. In my dissertation research, I hope to combine these two areas of interest and interrogate how the environment impacts both social inequality and migration, especially of young people.
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Highsmith
First field: U.S. History
Second field: Environmental History
Research interests: environmental racism, natural and manmade disasters, migration, history of youth, settler colonialism
Publication: Fratantuono, Ella, and Alyssa Martin. 2023. “Moving Subjects: Directions and Methodological Challenges in the Historical Study of Migrant Children and Youth.” History Compass 21 (12). https://doi.org/10.1111/hic3.12792
Public History Work: Contributor, Climate Refugee Stories: Charlotte Histories, Just Futures, https://climatesofinequality.org/story/climate-refugees-in-the-city-of-creeks/.