Mixon's research and teaching interests include 20th-century U.S. literature and film, gender and sexuality studies, and comparative race studies, with specializations in literatures and media of U.S. social movements, multi-ethnic cultural productions about the U.S. south, and the intellectual and institutional history of queer theory. Their dissertation, Queerer, My God, to Thee: Twentieth-Century White Southern Lesbian Writers & Anti-Racist Praxis, frames Lillian Smith (1897-1966), Rita Mae Brown (1944-), Minnie Bruce Pratt (1946-), Mab Segrest (1949-), and Dorothy Allison (1949-) as a distinct political tradition whose concern with how people are trained to inhabit and (re)produce whiteness radically departs from anti-racist political thought and activism among white southern women of nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The project is currently supported by a 2019-2020 American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship and received archival research funding from Duke University, the University of Virginia, and UCI Humanities Commons.