

Emphases: Critical Theory; Translation Studies

Research Interests: Contemporary Persian literature, literary translation (theory and practice), exile literature. 

Select Publications: 

“Where is Akbar Radi’s Home? A Study of the Concept of Exile at Home in Through the Windowpanes by Akbar Radi,” Text & Presentation: Journal of the Comparative Drama Conference, April 2019, 111-124.

“Mapping the Unmappable: A Critical Study of Dead Reckoning: A Novel by Bahman Sho‘levar,” Iran Namag, Volume 6, Number 1 (Spring 2021), 30-45.

“Will I Be Strong Enough for You? Nasim Marashi’s I’ll Be Strong for You” World Literature Today [Online], 6/22/21


Jamali, Rosa. “Here is the Promised Latitude” [“Inja Aez-e Mo’ud Ast”] by Rosa Jamali. Los Angeles Review of Books. [online]