Shannon Doona Bae just recently returned to the U.S. after spending the past ten years in Seoul, South Korea, where she worked in solidarity with adoptee, unwed mother, and birth family groups, studied Korean at Sogang University, and completed her M.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology at Hanyang University, as a recipient of the Korean Government Scholarship Program. She has presented her research at conferences such as ASAK, TISKAS, and CUHK's APGSF, and has been invited as a guest lecturer at workshops for a variety of organizations, such as the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, Seoul International Women's Film Festival's Migrant Women's Film Academy, The People's House Human Rights Human Library, and the Diasporic Korean Youth Forum, among others. She is honored to have received the Center for Critical Korean Studies Fellowship in order to begin her Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology at UC Irvine this fall.