This certificate recognizes specialization in the history of communications and media through time, from broadsheets to mass media and journalism, religious art to photography and film, as well as other forms of cultural and media production. This certificate program may prepare students for graduate study and/or careers in media, journalism, film studies, and the arts.
Students must complete four courses from the following list and maintain a minimum combined GPA of 3.0. Each course may only be counted towards one certificate, and no substitutions are allowed.
Course List:
HISTORY 12 History of Horror
HISTORY 12 Mexican History in Film
HISTORY 12 Terrorism
HISTORY 70B Monsters and Borders
HISTORY 70C Latinx Feminist Image
HISTORY 100W Jews and Photography
HISTORY 112D France & Film
HISTORY 112D Print Revolution
HISTORY 114 Cultures of Fascism
HISTORY 114 Revolutionary Women
HISTORY 124B Twentieth-Century Russia
HISTORY 140 Media & US Elections
HISTORY 140 Culture Wars
HISTORY 148B Chicana/o Historical Film
HISTORY 151D Latina/Latino Pop: Latina/Latino Popular Culture
HISTORY 182 Media, Popular, Memory