Screening & discussion of fims with Dr. Erin Graf Zivin and Tomas Rautenstrauch
Screening Room
Monday April 3
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Erin Graff Zivin is Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California, where she is Director of the Experimental Humanities Lab. She is the author of three books—Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading (Fordham UP, 2020; translated into Spanish and published as Anarqueologías: Ética y política de la lectura errada, Buenos Aires, Prometeo Editorial, 2021), Figurative Inquisitions: Conversion, Torture, and Truth in the Luso-Hispanic Atlantic (Northwestern UP, 2014; translated into Spanish and published as Inquisiciones figurativas: conversion tortura y verdad en el Atlántico Luso-Hispano, Buenos Aires, Editorial La Cebra, 2017), and The Wandering Signifier: Rhetoric of Jewishness in the Latin American Imaginary (Duke UP, 2008)—and is completing a fourth book on transmedial aesthetics. Graff Zivin is the editor or co-editor of two special journal issues and three edited volumes on deconstruction, ethics, and politics. In her free time, she heads the “Women in Theory” collective, serves on the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association, and oversees the digitization of the filmic work of Narcisa Hirsch (a collaboration between USC Digital Library and the Filmoteca Narcisa Hirsch).
Tomas Rautenstrauch (Argentina, 1976) is a filmmaker and visual artist residing in Buenos Aires. He studied Cinema and Art History at Concordia University in Montreal, later working in the film and television industry in France for nearly a decade. Upon his return to Argentina, he joined the Zavaleta Lab Art Gallery, and was selected for the Di Tella postgraduate University Art Program in 2012. His video works and installations have been shown in venues and festivals in Argentina, Europe, Turkey, and the United States: most recently, his short film La Quema was featured in the Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival. Since 2019, he directs the Filmoteca Narcisa Hirsch, a space for preserving and distributing Hirsch’s films, as well as a meeting place for fellow filmmakers, academics, and investigators in the world of experimental cinema.