Dr. Bong Hak Hyun and the Heungnam Evacuation
Tuesday · May 3rd · 1 - 3 PM (Pacific Time)
UCI Humanities Gateway 1341
Documentary screening and lunch followed by a talk with Esther Hyun
Register: https://forms.gle/zirmbThFmfdxKUix5
Ms. Esther Hyun is a resource specialist teacher to sixth graders within the LAUSD and a former actor/commercial print model. She has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College, and a master’s in Special Education from CSUN. She will talk about her father, Dr. Bong Hak Hyun, who was a humanitarian and Korean War Hero who advocated for a civilian rescue mission during the Heungnam Evacuation. Together with Colonel Ed Forney, General Ned Almond, and countless others, they miraculously saved the lives of 100,000 civilians.
For any query, please contact at ccks@uci.edu