The application process is as follows:

If you are interested in becoming a member of AHUA's 2017-2018 board, please send a reply to this email containing two items. The first is a resume, the second a short letter of intent. The letter should outline which position you are applying for and why you feel you are a qualified candidate.

Once all applications have been received, the current board will be contacting applicants to schedule interviews. After the interview process has finished, the final board will be appointed by the current board (with the exclusion of any current board members applying for positions in next year's team).

Detailed information about each position can be found below.

Best of luck in your applications; we encourage one & all to apply!

Randi Johnson
AHUA Vice President


The 2017-2018 Board of AHUA will be made up of a President, an Administrative Vice President, an Activities Vice President, a Treasurer, a Historian, and a Webmaster.

Duties of the President include:
- responsible for organizing and
implementing all activities, events, trips, fundraising, and weekly meetings
- responsible for delegating responsibilities to all other board members, as well as club members
as necessary
- primary point of contact for the club & liaison between AHUA and all other members of the Art History
- must be able to communicate with others, feel comfortable leading and speaking in front of others,
and must demonstrate a strong ability to handle a variety of responsibilities simultaneously
THE PRESIDENT MUST BE AN ART HISTORY MAJOR. This is the only position restricted in this manner, all other positions are open to any major.
Duties of the Administrative Vice President include:

- works closely with the President of
AHUA to carry out executive activities such as delegating responsibilities to board members, communicating with the Art History Department and AHUA advisors, and reaching out to AHUA members
- in charge of all e-mail communications
with members, faculty, and the UCI community
- responsible for all online communication. This includes managing
AHUA’s Facebook page and Instagram account and by creating and sharing events, images, and club news
- generates event flyers to be posted around campus and aid in
online marketing
Duties of the Activities Vice President include:

oversees and organizes all campus marketing
- organizing boothing on campus
at Involvement Fairs, fundraising events, and AHUA events
- responsible for printing and posting
digital flyers and creating event posters in the UCI poster room
- responsible for knowing what exhibits are
opening at local museums in order to plan AHUA museum trips
- responsible for looking into local communities'
art scenes in order to involve AHUA in the community outside of UCI
- responsible for outreach to other campus
organizations to facilitate co-sponsored events
- responsible for maintaining the AHUA Calendar
and correlating AHUA events with Department events

Duties of the Treasurer include:

- responsible for all of AHUA’s
finance needs
- overseeing the club bank account collecting member dues
- distributing reimbursements
- coordinates fundraising events both on campus and with local businesses
- maintains the club budget and seeks member benefits

Duties of the Historian include:

- assist in club communications
- records and sends weekly meeting minutes
- books weekly on campus meeting spaces
- works closely with the Treasurer to record club spending
- also helps with e-mail communication

- takes photos of all club events, stores in google drive
- keeps copies of club flyers & notices for records

Duties of the Webmaster include:

- updating and maintaining the accuracy of AHUA's website

- assisting the Administrative VP in updating AHUA's web presence (facebook, instagram, and other social media pages)
- working with the Historian to properly store and display digital copies of event photos and promotional club materials