Alka Patel will spend this school year at the Getty Research Institute, where she has been named 2017-18 Consortium Scholar. Alka will work on her project, India, Iran and Empire: The ShansabānÄ«s of GhÅ«r, c. 1150–1215 . She will also work on a separate but concurrent project while in residence, focused on the nineteenth-century photography of Afghanistan, aided by continuing intern and recent 4+1 graduate Jasmin Pannier.  Alka will also teach a Consortium seminar winter quarter 2018 at the Getty.

The 2017-18 Getty Research Institute theme is Iconoclasm and Vandalism. The Getty Research Institute has invited scholars, artists, and other cultural figures from around the world to work in residence at the Institute on projects that bear upon its annual research theme since 1985. Scholars pursue their own research projects while in residence, make use of Getty collections, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty Center and the Getty Villa.