Work on campus with Registrar Amy Lim in the early stages of creation of the UCI Museum, to be housed here on campus, with thanks to the Irvine family’s generous gift of their museum collection, valued at $17 million and a second significant gift,  Gerald E. Buck’s art collection, worth tens of millions of dollars. Both gifts represent a big step closer to UCI’s ambition, recently articulated by Chancellor Howard Gillman, ‘to become the focus for the study and appreciation of California art’

The intern will assist with creating object files, inventorying the UCI art collection, cleaning up data in Embark and other tasks. The candidate should be detail oriented, meticulous in gathering information, and comfortable with computer work. $1,000/ 60 hours.

Please submit the following application materials to Professor Cecile Whiting at with a copy to Cecilia Flanagan at

A.      Cover letter (one-page maximum) describing your interest and qualifications.

B. Your unofficial transcript reflecting a combined GPA of 3.0 or higher in art history courses at UCI and/or 3.0 overall GPA

C. Your resume (one-page maximum) including art history courses completed at UCI (you may attach a list of classes separately if needed), any previous internships, and any other relevant work, travel or volunteer experience.

D. Your art history faculty reference(s). You may also submit other references if you think they would be useful to our selection process.

A recent article about the UCI Museum

Visit the Irvine Museum Collection, temporarily located at 18881 Von Karman Ave #100, Irvine, CA 92612, a collection built and dedicated to the preservation and display of California art of the Impressionist Period (1890-1930).