Mellon Summer Academy and Undergraduate Curatorial Fellowship program, LEAP Fellowship program and Mellon opportunity for diversity in conservation.

Mellon Summer Academy and Undergraduate Curatorial Fellowship program

who- current undergraduate students with a graduation date of May 2020 or later
what- 15 students in a one-week immersion experience in the museum
when- June 17-22, 2018
deadline- March 1, 2018

LEAP Fellowship program

who- recent undergraduates who have earned their baccalaureate degree within the past two years
what- fellowship with the Director or the Head of Curatorial and Planning
when- July 2, 2018 (one year with the possibility to renew a second year)
deadline- April 2, 2018

Mellon opportunity for diversity in conservation
who- undergraduate students and recent graduates
what- 15 students for one-week conservation workshop
when- July 9-14, 2018
deadline- March 9, 2018