The Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies
This award was created by Professor V. Ara Apkarian and Dr. Alice B. Apkarian to support graduate student research in the UCI Armenian Studies Program. The scholarship is named after Naneh, Armenian Goddess of Wisdom and War in ancient Armenian mythology.
Application deadline: March 1, 2024
Prior to submission, please make sure you have the following documents in PDF format.
1) Curriculum Vitae
2) Current UCI Transcript (may be unofficial)
3) Letter of Support from a supervisor (this may be emailed to Marc Kanda at mhkanda@uci.edu).
4) Research Statement (Please submit the following as one document.)
a. Abstract (max. 300 words)
b. Proposal (max. five pages, double-spaced, Times font 12). Include a discussion of the following: main topic, research problem/question(s), research methodology, contribution to scholarship/field, theoretical and empirical sources, and a timeline.
c. List of additional sources of expected summer funding.
d. Previous recipients of the Naneh scholarship: Please provide a paragraph description (max. 250 words) explaining what research goals were met with the most recent award.
Please click HERE to apply.
The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian
This scholarship was created by Vahe Meghrouni to honor Sylvie Tertzakian’s unwavering support and pioneering efforts on behalf of the Armenian Studies Program at UCI and is now supported by Sylvie and Garo Tertzakian.
Application deadline: March 1, 2024
A prize of $2,000 will be awarded annually to a qualified undergraduate or graduate student from any major, discipline, or field for a research project with a strong Armenian component. Secondary awards for merit may be given in amounts of up $400. The submitted project may be a research paper or a chapter of a larger thesis or dissertation, but it must stand on its own.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Full-time UCI student
2. Minimum 3.0 GPA
Application Documents
Please submit the following:
1) Completed application form
2) Curriculum vitae
3) UCI transcript
4) Abstract of project (250-300 words)
5) Completed project (max. 25 pages, double-spaced, Times font 12)
Condition of Prize Acceptance
First-time prize recipients will be required to present (in 20-25 minutes) the project to a wider community on campus.
Application Procedure
• Applications can be received between February 1 and March 1, 2024.
• Upload all application documents to the application portal.
• Applications will be reviewed by a committee, and decisions will be conveyed to candidates by April 1.
• Direct all questions to Professor Berberian at Houri.Berberian@uci.edu
Selection criteria
Projects will be evaluated based on the following:
a. Originality and quality, including clarity and style
b. Clear demonstration of effort
c. Organization
d. Use of specific examples to support argument
Please click HERE to apply.