Voter Education UCI: Three sites you might find helpful to educate yourself on registering to vote, learning more about measures on the ballot, and voting on November 3rd.
The OC Registrar of Voters: where all OC voters should connect with to ensure they’re properly registered to vote and that their address is correct. They will also soon send out (digital copy as well) their voter information guide with a list of candidates, statements, and contact information. https://ocvote.com/
The California Secretary of State: is the elected statewide Chief Elections Officer that oversees all federal and state elections. Similar to the county, the Secretary of State’s office has a statewide voter information guide that is helpful for voters learn more about what is on the November ballot. https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/
The UC Civic Engagement website devoted to supporting the university community learn more about the election. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/civic-engagement/vote
The OC Registrar of Voters: where all OC voters should connect with to ensure they’re properly registered to vote and that their address is correct. They will also soon send out (digital copy as well) their voter information guide with a list of candidates, statements, and contact information. https://ocvote.com/
The California Secretary of State: is the elected statewide Chief Elections Officer that oversees all federal and state elections. Similar to the county, the Secretary of State’s office has a statewide voter information guide that is helpful for voters learn more about what is on the November ballot. https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/
The UC Civic Engagement website devoted to supporting the university community learn more about the election. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/civic-engagement/vote