"Translate all comfort women history so that the world can see it"
August 14, 2019

The entire article is in Korean.

On August 13th, South Korea observed its official 'comfort women' memorial day for a second year. The day of remembrance for women forced to work in Japan's wartime military brothels. The conference titled, 'How Should We Remember and Commemorate the Victim-Survivor of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery?' was held in Seoul City Hall with UCI professor Choi Chungmoo.

Below is an excerpt from the article.

Choi Chungmoo, professor at the University of California, Irvine, who led the U.S. research team in translation of the 4th 'Comfort Women' testimony book. She said, "We need to translate all audio and video files and testimonies in the MOGEF's (Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family) online museum so that the world can see it." More than 100 victims' testimonies were published, but so far, the MOGEF has translated only 10 victim testimonies into English. Professor Choi also proposed the creation of cutting-edge autobiography for each victim using technologies such as holograms.