UCI Professor Jane O. Newman receives Berlin Prize to complete book on literary theorist Erich Auerbach
Newman will be in residence at the American Academy in Berlin during Spring 2017
Professor of Asian American Studies Linda Vo to receive Public Image Award from the Asian Americans Advancing Justice organization
Vo will be honored for her leadership in, and advocacy for, the Vietnamese American community
School of Humanities expands interdisciplinary academic offerings
New majors and minors include Global Middle East Studies and Medical Humanities
UCI philosopher Sven Bernecker awarded 2016 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
Germany's most prestigious prize for international researchers, the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship will bring Bernecker to…
UCI film & media studies alumni to showcase films at the Newport Beach Film Festival
Merced Bacon '15 and Patrick Reagan '06 to showcase latest films
Aijaz Ahmad joins UC Irvine's Department of Comparative Literature
Aijaz Ahmad, renowned political and literary theorist, joins the School of Humanities as Chancellor's Professor in the Department…
Matthias Lehmann awarded Fulbright research fellowship to write biography of Jewish philanthropist
The subject, Maurice de Hirsch, will broaden our perspective of modern Jewish history