Mellon Foundation grants $2.7 million to School of Humanities graduate programs
UCI is first public institution to pair shorter degree time with postdoctoral positions
UC Irvine to lead Black studies consortium with collaborative workshops and seminars focused on the humanities
Consortium launches with $1.07 million grant from the UC Office of the President. UCI serves as the first host university.
Mellon Foundation Awards School of Humanities $175,000 for “Documenting War” Sawyer Seminar
Starting in 2016, the Sawyer Seminar will create a temporary research center for cross-disciplinary, intensive study of how war…
The death of the painter: new book by James Herbert challenges the place of the artist in his/her work
Brushstroke and Emergence: Courbet, Impressionism, Picasso (University of Chicago Press, 2015) uses emergence theory to challenge…
UCI Welcomes Noureddin Zarrinkelk as First Artist-In-Residence at Samuel Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture
Zarrinkelk will be in residence at UCI through spring 2016
J. Hillis Miller awarded Ian P. Watt Prize for Excellence in Conrad Scholarship
A renowned literary critic and theorist, Miller has been writing about Joseph Conrad for decades
Are We All Post-Racial Yet?
David Theo Goldberg's new book challenges the idea that we are "post-racial."