Frege on Language, Logic, and Psychology: Selected Essays Cover
Frege on Language, Logic, and Psychology
Eva Picardi, Annalisa Coliva (Editor)
Georg Lukacs
Georg Lukács and Critical Theory Aesthetics, History, Utopia
Tyrus Miller
Drawing of two men about to kiss
Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
Deborah T. Meem, Jonathan Alexander, Key Beck, and Michelle A. Gibbons
Wittgenstein Rehinged
Wittgenstein Rehinged
Annalisa Coliva
Pleasure Erased, The Clitoris Unthought
Catherine Malabou
Sex Dolls at Sea book cover
Sex Dolls at Sea: Imagined Histories of Sexual Technologies (MIT Press, 2022)
Bo Ruberg
Las culturas de la prensa en México (1880-1940)
Viviane Mahieux and Yanna Hadatty Mora
Tsuchi Cover
Tsuchi: Earthy Materials in Contemporary Japanese Art
Bert Winther-Tamaki
Fierce and Fearless
Fierce and Fearless: Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman of Color in Congress
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu
Homecoming Cover
Lava Thomas: Homecoming
Bridget R. Cooks
Plasticity, The Promise of Explosion
Catherine Malabou
The Racial Railroad Cover
The Racial Railroad
Julia Lee