The Ele Si Rosa Parks Theme House, sponsored by the African American Studies Department, is one of two houses sponsored by an ethnic studies department within the Arroyo Vista undergraduate housing community. Students living in the Rosa Parks House have the unique opportunity of living in a house that both celebrates and encourages residents to learn and educate themselves about Black history. The walls are covered with images of Black leaders both past and present and speak to the legacy of the Black experience. Residents are not required to be African American Studies majors, but they are required to take one course in African American Studies during their year as a resident in the house.
The Rosa Parks House also serves as a place where Black organizations can host programs events. The House serves as a home away from home for a lot of the residents and creates an environment that is conducive to learning and supportive of Black students at UCI.
The House is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about Black history and the Black experience in America. The Rosa Parks House creates a one of a kind experience and is committed to educating and empowering all those who walk through its doors.