Bedros Torosian
Ph.D. in History, 2024
Research Interests: Gender, nationalism, and Ottoman transatlantic migrations in the early twentieth century Ottoman diasporas, ethnicity, and racial formation in the US Socio-economic, cultural, educational, and intellectual history of the late Ottoman Empire
UC Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (2024-2026)
The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian (UC Irvine, 2024)
Department of History Summer Research Award (UC Irvine, 2023)
OC TREX Armenian Studies Scholarship (UC Irvine, 2023)
Naneh Graduate Research Fellowship (UC Irvine, 2023)
Nubar Pacha Foundation Scholarship (UC Irvine, 2023)
Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies (UC Irvine, 2022)
The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian (UC Irvine, 2021)
Grant on Race, Society of Armenian Studies (UC Irvine, 2020)
Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies (UC Irvine, 2020)
Abdallah Lahoud Foundation Award for High Achievement in History (American University of Beirut, 2017)
“Ottoman Armenian Racialization in an American Space (1908-1914),” Mashriq and Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, June 2021 (https://lebanesestudies.ojs.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/mashriq/article/view/278)

Elif Shannon-Chastain
M.A. in History, 2024
Research Interests: Gender, nationalism, women in Ottoman Armenian Theater, transnational identity, cultural, intellectual, and feminist social history of the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic
The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian (UC Irvine, 2023)
Department of History Research Award (UC Irvine, 2023)
Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies (UC Irvine, 2022)
"A Martyr of the Multicultural Ottoman Theatre: The Ottoman-Armenian Legacy of Mardiros Mnagian (1912–1920)," Diyâr: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies 5 (2024): 26-46.

Gayane Iskandaryan
M.A. in History, 2023
Research Interests: Nationalism, policing, militarization, social movements/people’s movements in Soviet Armenia and post-Soviet Armenia
High Distinction in General Scholarship (UC Berkeley, 2017)
Dean's Honors (UC Berkeley, 2017)
Berkeley Undergraduate Scholarship (UC Berkeley, 2017)
Thesis Title
A Crack in the Iron Curtain: Armenia-Diaspora Relations and Soviet Armenian Migration to Los Angeles County, 1988- 2000s

Oshin Khachikian
Ph.D. in Sociology, 2021
Center for Organizational Research, Small Grants Award (UC Irvine, 2020)
National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant - $16,000 (NSF Grant #1904037, 2019)
The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian (UC Irvine, 2019)
Associate Dean’s Fellowship (UC Irvine, 2018)
Social Science Teaching Assistant Award (UC Irvine, 2014-2018)
Center for Organizational Research, Small Grants Award (UC Irvine, 2017)
Graduate Dean’s Recruitment Fellowship (UC Irvine, 2014-2015)
Khachikian, Oshin and Nina Bandelj. 2022. “Immigrant Families and Educational Attainment." Pp. tbd in The SAGE Handbook on the Sociology of Education, edited by Mark Berends, Barbara Schneider and Stephen Lamb. London, Los Angeles: SAGE. (forthcoming)
Khachikian, Oshin 2020. “Who Benefits From Ethnic Capital? Group Norms, Social-Class and Education Among Armenian-Americans in Los Angeles.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. July 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2019.1635256)
Khachikian, Oshin and Nina Bandelj. 2019. “Immigrant Socioeconomic Mobility in the United States: Mechanisms of Inequality and the Role of Ethnic Capital.” Sociology Compass. August 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.12723)
Tran, Van C., Jennifer Lee, Oshin Khachikian, and Jess Lee. 2018. “Hyper-Selectivity, Racial Mobility, and the Remaking of Race.” Russell Sage Foundation Journal of Social Sciences. 4 (5): 188–209 (https://doi.org/10.7758/RSF.2018.4.5.09)
Khachikian, Oshin. 2018. “Protective Ethnicity: How Armenian Immigrants’ Extracurricular Youth Organisations Redistribute Cultural Capital to the Second-Generation in Los Angeles.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. (https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2018.1497954)
Dissertation Title: Inequitably Embedded: An Intergenerational Relational Framework for the effects of Selective Migration on the Socio-Economic Mobility of the Children of Immigrants in Los Angeles

Pauline Pechakjian
M.A. in History, 2020
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research, Research Grant in Armenian Studies (NAASR, 2019)
Society for Armenian Studies Graduate Research Grant (SAS, 2019)
Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies (UC Irvine, 2019)
"In the Hands of Women: The Tradition and Transformation of the Oud," Article, Published in She Shreds Magazine (Summer 2018)
"My Motherland, My Mother's Land," Poem, Published in Cornell University's Rainy Day Literary Arts Magazine (Spring 2018)
Thesis Title: The "Akhpars": A Social History of the Mass Migration of Diaspora Armenians to Soviet Armenia, 1946-49.

Karen Jallatyan
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature With Emphases on Critical Theory, Translation and Visual Studies, 2019
Research Interests: Cultural production of Armenian diaspora (literature, film, multimedia works, etc.), critical theory, translation, film studies, genealogies of modern nationalism, Vahé Oshagan (1922-2000)
Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) Research Start Grant, Leipzig, Summer 2021, Initiating a project on the literary and intellectual aspects of Armenian Diasporic experience in East-Central and Eastern Europ
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Armenian Studies Postdoctoral Scholarship, 2020-2021, Visiting Scholar at the Department of Armenian Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
«Արձագանգներ Վահէ Օշականէն» ("Reverberations from Vahé Oshagan"), an essay in Western Armenian for GAM Analytical and Critical Review (ԿԱՄ Հանդէս Վերլուծական եւ Քննադատական), No. 8, 2020-22, edited by Marc Nichanian
“Diasporic Inscriptions of Loss and Grief in Atom Egoyan’s Calendar” (Winter 2020 issue of The Projector: A Journal on Film, Media and Culture.)
“Vahé Oshagan’s Prose of the Absurd,” Pakin, No. 3, 2017 (An article in Armenian published with the editorial assistance of Marc Nichanian in a peer-reviewed diaspora Armenian literary journal.)
Diasporalogue, Serge Avédikian, Tigrane Yégavian, Editions Thaddée, 2017. (Translation from French to English, with the editorial assistance of Alec Ekmekji.)
Screening Memory. The Prosthetic Images of Atom Egoyan, Marie-Aude Baronian, Académie Royale De Belgique, 2017 (Translation from French to English with Stephen Clark.)
"Forgive me for all of those words," "There will be silence in the museum and phantom of death," "To explain without words," "The ruins call intensely with their stubborn," in Absinthe: A Journal of World Literature in Translation, No. 23, Unscripted: An Armenian Palimpsest, guest edited by Tamar Boyadjian, Fall 2017, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 51-57 (Translation of four poems by Vehanoush Tekian from Western Armenian to English.)
«Յետ-Խորհրդային Այլախոհութիւն (Վաչէ Սարգսեանի Ակեղդամա. անկրկնելի պատմութիւն վէպին հրատարակութեան առիթով)» ("Post-Soviet Dissidence (On the occasion of the publication of Vaché Sargsian's Akeghdama: An Unrepeatable Story)"), a book review in Western Armenian published in GAM Analytical and Critical Review (ԿԱՄ Հանդէս Վերլուծական եւ Քննադատական), No. 7, 2020-21, 115-125, edited by Marc Nichanian
“ExԱյլ: Krikor Beledian on Diasporic Multilingualism,” Critics' Forum, December, 2018 (book review in a peer-reviewed print and online publication)
“On Diasporic Cinema. Comments on Hrayr Anmahouni’s Vahé Oshagan: Between Acts,” Inknagir, October 2018 (film-review in Armenian in an online literary journal)
“On Movies That Move Us: An Interview with Gariné Torossian,” Critics' Forum, March 2015 (an interview in a peer-reviewed print and online publication)
“Questioning the Unquestionable: Marc Nichanian’s Mourning Philology,” Critics' Forum, August, 2014 (book review in a peer-reviewed print and online publication)
Dissertation Title: Becoming Diaspora: Global Armenian Literature and Film After 1950

Arnold Alahverdian
Ph.D. Candidate in History
Research Interests: Armenian-Iranian relations and culture in late antiquity fifth-century Sasanian world Iranian and Armenian epic tradition gendered discourses in martyrology narrative, sanctified violence, communal identity
Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation Summer Fellowship (UC Irvine, 2020)
Department of History Summer Research Award (UC Irvine, 2020)
Movahedi Family Fellowship (Jordan Center for Persian Studies, UC Irvine, 2020)
Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian (Center for Armenian Studies, UC Irvine, 2020)
The Humanities Dean’s Gateway Award in Persian Studies (School of Humanities, UC Irvine, 2018)
Dumbarton Oaks and HMML Syriac Summer Program Fellowship (2017)
The Farzaneh Family Fellowship (Jordan Center for Persian Studies, UC Irvine, 2017)
UC Regents’ Fellowship (School of Humanities, UC Irvine, 2015)
Albert Zoraster Scholarship for Academic Excellence (CSU Northridge, 2013)
Submitting soon: "Slaying Huns for the King of Kings: On the Iranian Colors of Christian Armenian Heroism in the Sasanian East” (Dabir, 2021)