Established in 2018, the Anteater Virtues is a unique and innovative educational initiative designed to bring the intellectual virtues into the heart of the UCI curriculum. It is focused on four specific intellectual virtues in particular (these are the so-called 'Anteater Virtues'): curiosity, integrity, intellectual humility, and intellectual tenacity. The project draws on the extensive research expertise at UCI devoted to pedagogical innovation. For more details about the project, please consult the project webpage. Further details are available for faculty interested in this resource here, and for students interested in this resource here. See also the announcement about this initiative from the Division of Undergraduate Education.
The project is supported by internal funding from UCI’s Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation and by an external grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
Click here to listen to a recent interview with the Director of the Anteater Virtues project, Professor Pritchard, discussing the project.
Click here to watch UCI Chancellor Gillman discuss the Anteater Virtues and their role in the UCI educational vision at 2022 convocation.
The Anteater Virtues project is one of two ongoing initiatives run by the KTS Center that have an educational focus. The other is the TH!NK philosophy in schools program.