European Studies

Maxime Bey-Rozet
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Assistant Professor of European Languages and Studies; French
Interests: Extreme cinemas, 20th century French literature and culture, French cinema and television, trauma studies, industry studies, memory studies

Anke Biendarra
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Associate Professor and Chair of European Languages and Studies; German Core Faculty
Interests: German and European literature and culture of the 20th/21st century, esp. pop literature, GDR/reunification. Critical European Culture Studies, migration studies, transnationalism, memory studies, gender studies.

Philip Broadbent
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Assistant Professor of Teaching of European Languages and Studies; Director of the German Language Program
Interests: Contemporary literature and history; politics and the urban space; German language learning

Kai Evers
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Associate Professor of European Languages and Studies, German Core Faculty; Director of European Studies
Interests: Modernist literature, German film, European studies, Catastrophic Imagination and Representations of War, Violence, and Risk

Christophe Litwin
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Associate Professor of European Languages and Studies; French; German Joint Faculty; M.A. in European Thought and Culture Core Faculty; Director of French
Interests: Early Modern European/French moral and political philosophy. La Boétie, Montaigne, Descartes, Hobbes, Pascal, Malebranche, Hume, Rousseau, Diderot, Kant, Hegel...

Catherine Malabou
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Professor of Comparative Literature and European Languages and Studies; French; German Joint Faculty; M.A. in European Thought and Culture Core Faculty
Interests: German Idealism, Contemporary French Philosophy, Critical Theory, Neurobiology, Epigenetics

David Pan
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Professor of European Languages and Studies; German Core Faculty, Director of German Graduate Program and the M.A. in European Thought and Culture
Interests: Eighteenth-, Nineteenth-, and Twentieth-century German Literature and Intellectual history, Johann Georg Hamann, Heinrich von Kleist, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Bertolt Brecht, Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Carl Schmitt
Pantalea Mazzitello
Assistant Professor of Teaching of European Languages and Studies; Italian; Director of the Italian Language Program

Deanna Shemek
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Professor, European Languages and Studies; Italian; Director of Italian Studies
Interests: Italian literature, Italian and European history, women and gender studies, Renaissance and early modern studies, digital humanities, history of communications media

Georges Van Den Abbeele
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Professor of Comparative Literature, English, and European Languages and Studies; French
Interests: French and European philosophical literature, travel narrative and tourism/migration studies; critical theory and aesthetics