Did you follow the Daystar Peterson (Tory Lanez) v. The State of California trial? Are you interested in how victims of violent crimes are discussed in popular media? Do you want to learn more about race, gender, victim-blaming, and popular misinformation via blogs, social media posts, and fake news?

Join Dr. Treva Lindsey, Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the Ohio State University and author of America Goddamn: Black Women, Violence, and the Struggle for Justice (University of California Press, 2022) and Southern California-based independent legal journalist Meghann Cuniff (formerly with Law and Crime Network and recently profiled in the Washington Post) for a conversation about legal and media literacy, victim-blaming in pop culture, and the racial and gendered implications of fake news on Monday, April 29th from 5-6:30pm in HG1030!
There will be free food and a raffle for copies of America, Goddamn: Black Women, Violence, and the Struggle for Justice, and select items from Meghann Cuniff's merch line, like t-shirts and stickers. Dr. Lindsey will join us remotely, while Meghann Cuniff and moderator Prof. Mahaliah Little (Gender and Sexuality Studies, UCI) are excited to see you in person on April 29th in HG1030.