Dear Friends of UCI Center for Armenian Studies,
We hope you will join us to hear Dr. Hrag Papazian present his new project: "Pushing the Cemaat's limits? Istanbul Armenians at the turn of the 21st century" on May 4.Hrag Papazian is a Promise Armenian Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at UCLA. He earned his doctoral degree in anthropology from the University of Oxford (2020) where his dissertation about Armenians in contemporary Turkey was awarded the Prof. David Parkin Prize. His thesis also received an honorary mention in the Society for Armenian Studies Distinguished Dissertation Award competition (2017-2020). Papazian has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Turkey and Armenia, has been a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (2020-2021), and has taught at the American University of Armenia (2019-2021).
May 4, 6:30 PM, UC Irvine's Humanities Gateway 1030
Lecture followed by a light reception.
The lecture will be both in-person and available remotely through Zoom.
Register at https://uci.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItcOGrqT8jG9RF_DHL9pkHqORiExnqM4-t).
This event is part of The Vahe and Armine Meghrouni Lecture Series and is presented by UCI Center for Armenian Studies and co-sponsored by the UCI Department of History.
Parking Information at UC Irvine:https://map.uci.edu/?id=463#!m/367497 Please direct any questions to Marc Kanda at mhkanda@uci.edu
Complimentary parking will be available in Lot 7 at the intersection of Mesa Road and West Peltason Drive. A parking attendant will be present to assist you. If you would like to see Lot 7 on an interactive map, click here: