green typewriter with sheet of paper

The ICWT is happy to co-sponsor events at UCI related to the topic of translation, broadly conceived. Each academic year, co-sponsorship requests up to $500 will be considered on a rolling basis as our budget permits. A co-sponsorship means that the ICWT will do each of the following: 1) transfer agreed upon amount of funds to the faculty/graduate student lead's home department/unit and 2) help promote the event through email and/or the ICWT website. In a co-sponsorship arrangement, the ICWT and its staff are NOT responsible for additional support, including items such as creating promotional literature (e.g., flyers), booking a room for lectures/workshops, processing payment for honoraria, booking flights or lodging, processing reimbursements for meals and incidental expenses, etc. 

Please send any co-sponsorship requests to ICWT Director, Jerry Won Lee (

The ICWT offers The Schaeffer Graduate Fellowship, a summer funding award of up to $8,000 that can support summer research, travel, and/or language study for students working on the topic of “translation.” Students must have advanced to candidacy if they are in a PhD program or have completed their first year if they are in an MFA program. Priority may be given to students who are within normative time-to-degree. The following types of projects are eligible for the Fellowship:

  • A dissertation or research project that involves translating a work or a part of a work as a significant component;
  • A dissertation or research project that focuses on translation theory;
  • Creative writing (prose fiction, poetry, plays), especially if the author works in an international context involving translation;
  • Creative non-fiction writing (journalism, memoirs, essays, historical writing that explores modes of writing and narration outside standard academic forms, experimental poet-critic writing, manifestoes, creative glosses, multi-media works, and digital hybrid work), especially if the author works in an international context involving translation;
  • A translation of a work or part of a work.

One or more Fellowships will be reserved for students working in creative writing and/or nonfiction. For all other applicants, the selection committee, comprised of members of the ICWT Faculty Advisory Board, will give priority to applicants who propose realistic and measurable research outcomes for the summer Fellowship period.

Deadline for submission: February 15 of each academic year.

Please submit proposals and/or questions to ICWT Director, Jerry Won Lee (

The ICWT will offer a series of grants in the form of professional development funds ($1,000) to UCI PhD students who have a peer-reviewed article related to the topic of “translation” accepted for publication during the 2022-23 academic year. The purpose of the Fellowship is twofold. First, it enables students to leverage the momentum of the previous publication into additional research output. Second, it is meant to encourage students to submit their research for publication in the first place, particularly those who would otherwise feel disinclined and/or unprepared to do so (to overcome, in other words, the "imposter syndrome" most of us feel when submitting our very first piece of writing to be considered for publication).

In order to be eligible for the Grant, the applicant must have the article/book chapter fully accepted for publication following the peer review process. At the time of the application, the work must not be fully published so that ICWT support can be included in the acknowledgements. Grants will be offered on a rolling basis as our budget permits.

Priority will be given to articles accepted for publication in AHCI, SSCI, or ESCI indexed journals. To search a journal’s status, please visit Articles accepted for publication in predatory journals are not eligible. For a list of predatory journals to avoid, please see Please note that this list is not comprehensive; consult your academic advisor for guidance on the legitimacy of a given venue if you are unsure. 

Please submit requests and/or questions to ICWT Director, Jerry Won Lee (

Hannah Caldwell Scholarships are offered through ICWT. Caldwell Scholarships are awarded annually to promising undergraduate students who are pursuing courses of study related to the mission of the ICWT. Students may apply through the UCI ScholarshipUniverse platform. The application deadline is typically in January. Please visit ScholarshipUniverse for details: