UCI MSTP Distinguished Lecture Series
We would like to announce our MSTP Distinguished Lecture to be held February 9th 4:00-5:00pm through Zoom.
Talk Title: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Bottlenecks
When: Thursday, February 9th 4:00-5:00pm PST
Where: Tamkin Student Lecture Building, 831 Health Sciences Rd, Irvine, CA 92617
For this lecture, we will have the privilege of hosting Dr. Collin Stultz, the Nina T. and Robert H. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science at MIT. He is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and faculty member at Hardvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. He works as a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Dr. Stultz research focuses on the use of computational modeling and machine learning to variety of important subject matters, such as modeling the structure, function, and behavior of biomolecules, modeling diseases from the molecular level, and identification of high-risk patients. Recently, Dr. Stultz and coworkers have developed novel methods for modeling intrinsically disordered proteins. His lab also has been working on prediction and identification of those at elevated risk of cardiovascular death from an acute coronary syndrome.