Dear Friends of UCI Center for Armenian Studies,

I am pleased to share with you some exciting news.

First, this year, The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian, made possible by Drs. Vahe and Armine Meghrouni, goes to the following deserving students:

Bedros Torosian is the recipient of the First Prize of $2,000 for his research project "Ottoman Armenian Racialization in an American Space (1908-1914)." Bedros's research is forthcoming as an article in the peer-reviewed Mashriq and Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies. Bedros is a second-year Ph.D. student in History.

Image of Bedros Torosian

Christina Marie Chiranian is the recipient of the Second Prize of $400 for her research project "Importance of Armenian Genocide Education in Schools." Christina is an undergraduate student majoring in Social Policy and Public Service and double minoring in Armenian Studies and Education.

Image of Christina Marie Chiranian

Congratulations to them both!

We look forward to awarding the Naneh Award for Graduate Research in Armenian Studies, made possible by Professor Ara Apkarian and Dr. Alice Apkarian, along with The Armenian Studies Prize in Honor of Sylvie Tertzakian in 2022.

Second, as part of our plan to expand the number of outstanding graduate students admitted to UCI’s Armenian Studies Program, strengthen the program, and magnify our impact within the field, we are thrilled to welcome four graduate students, two PhDs and two MAs, starting in Fall 2021. I hope many of you will have the opportunity to welcome them in person and find out more about their research interests in the new academic year, 2021-2022, once they join us on campus.

Third, we now have a new "Graduate Students" page on our Armenian Studies website featuring graduated and current graduate students affiliated with the Armenian Studies program. There, you will find information about their research interests, awards, and publications. In the Fall, we will add details about our new grads and continue to update as our students progress through the graduate program.

Last but not least, a word of thanks. We would not be able to make the impact we do without your backing. It is thanks to the generosity of our community of donors and supporters that we can continue to recognize undergraduate research and support graduate student research through awards and fellowships for those committed to studying the past and present of Armenians.

Mark your calendars for April 28 - Giving Day at UCI Center for Armenian Studies. Click here to give now!

Houri Berberian
Professor of History | Director of Graduate Studies
Meghrouni Family Presidential Chair in Armenian Studies | Director of the Center for Armenian Studies
University of California, Irvine