The UCI Center for Armenian Studies is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Talar Chahinian as Interim Director for the academic year, 2022-2023.
Dr. Chahinian is an integral member of the Center, a Lecturer in the Armenian Studies Program – the cherished instructor of our two levels of Armenian language – as well as Visiting Faculty in the Department of Comparative Literature. Her research examines the development of Western Armenian language and literature in the post-genocide diasporan communities of Paris and Beirut. She is the author of Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile (Forthcoming with Syracuse University Press) and the co-editor of the collected volume, The Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power: Collective Identity in the Transnational 20th Century (Forthcoming with Bloomsbury Publishing). She co-edits Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies and contributes regularly to the Armenian literary magazine Pakin.
Dr. Chaninian's term as Interim Director begins July 1, 2022. She will serve while the Center's current Director, Dr. Houri Berberian, is on sabbatical leave.