About the Center
Center for Storytelling
“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”—Joan Didion
Narrative is at the center of our lives, and human beings are hard-wired for stories. The telling of stories helps us to understand ourselves, connect with others, form memories, and make sense of our world. But stories can also divide us, and we are seeing this play out powerfully today in the news, in our communities, and in our social media feeds.
The Literary Journalism Program
The Literary Journalism program is home to the Literary Journalism major and Literary Journalism minor.
The major was created to meet the needs of a growing number of students who wish to read, study, and write nonfiction prose that has transcended the limits of daily journalism. The Literary Journalism major is excellent preparation for students planning to enter graduate programs in journalism, as well as for those interested in the many careers requiring sophisticated writing and communication skills.
The minor was created for students who wish to study literary journalism as a complement to another major. Literary Journalism minors are asked to take a comprehensive look at the theory, history, and context of literary journalism.