This is a series of podcast interviews with Naja Faysal where he engages with some of the key people involved in the Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society

Will AI outsmart humans? with Dr. Duncan Pritchard of UCI

Can artificial intelligence truly outsmart humans? Philosopher and epistemologist Dr. Duncan Pritchard debates the limits of AI versus human cognition. He shares his skeptical take on whether machines can match human intelligence and consciousness. Pritchard discusses whether creative jobs are under threat as AI systems, machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and predictive chatbots transform society.

Why Higher Ed Must Evolve to Keep Pace with AI with Dr. Richard Arum

Here are the key takeaways from this podcast episode with Dr. Richard Arum: 1. AI tools like ChatGPT are powerful but should be seen as supplements to, not replacements for, core educational relationships and practices. 2. Universities have been slow to adapt to new technologies due to institutional inertia and longstanding success. 3. The "grammar of schooling" - traditional assumptions about teaching - makes it difficult to change educational practices. 4. There are concerns about equity in AI tool access and usage among different student demographics. 5. Liberal arts education and course breadth remain valuable in preparing students for a rapidly changing job market. 6. AI systems may perpetuate societal biases and concentrate wealth/power, but they also have potential to solve major problems. 7. The UCI MUST project aims to improve measurement of student experiences and outcomes in higher education. 8. Experiential learning and internships are becoming increasingly important in connecting college to careers. 9. Despite challenges, AI tools should be embraced and used constructively to address societal issues

AI’s Emergent Properties at the Intersection of Faith and Science with Dr. Michael Dennin

The main themes of this conversation between Naja Faysal and Professor Michael Dennin include: 1. Intersection of Faith and Science: Exploring how faith and science can coexist and complement each other, with references to Professor Dennin’s work on the subject. 2. Consciousness and Emergence: Discussion on the nature of consciousness, emergent properties in AI, and how they relate to complex systems in physics. 3. AI and Technology: The role of AI in advancing human cognition, the concept of machine consciousness, and the potential implications of AI’s growth and capabilities. 4. Philosophy of Reality: Examination of physical reality versus non-physical reality, and how concepts like mathematics, imagination, and video games fit into these frameworks. 5. Human Purpose and Creativity: The idea that human purpose is linked to creativity and relationships, both with each other and with a higher power or God. 6. Exploration and Expansion: The debate on focusing efforts on solving Earth’s problems versus exploring and colonizing space, and the challenges associated with both. 7. Free Will and Determinism: Exploring the concept of free will, how it influences human behavior and creativity, and the philosophical implications of free will in human life. 8. Role of Emergence in Physics and AI: How emergent properties are understood in physics and how this concept might apply to AI development. 9. Public Outreach and Science Communication: Professor Dennin’s efforts in making science accessible through public talks, courses, and his podcast.

AI and the Rise of Online Toxicity with Dr. Aaron James

In this episode, Naja Faysal is joined by Dr. Aaron James, professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy at UCI. Dr. James, a bestselling author known for works such as "Assholes: A Theory" and "Surfing with Sartre," shares his insights on the profound implications of AI on our lives. The discussion touches on several fascinating and relevant topics: Key Takeaways: - Brain Uploads: The futuristic concept of uploading human consciousness to digital platforms, raising philosophical and existential questions about identity and the nature of being. - Deepfakes: The rise of deepfakes and their potential to spread misinformation, disrupt social trust, and influence political elections. - Online Behavior: The impact of AI on our online interactions and behaviors, often leading to more aggressive and less accountable actions due to the anonymity provided by digital platforms. - Misinformation: The pervasive issue of misinformation fueled by AI technologies and its impact on public discourse and political integrity. - Universal Income: The potential of universal basic income enabled by AI advancements, and how it could transform the economic landscape and provide financial security in a rapidly changing job market. - Life's Meaning: Reflections on the importance of finding meaning in life through genuine human experiences, using surfing as a metaphor, and how AI might alter or enhance these experiences.