Faculty Grants

The Center for Medical Humanities invites requests for co-sponsorship of events that explore the dimensions of human embodiment, especially as they relate to conditions of illness, disability, and other experiences that require intentional reflection and theorization of bodyminds.

Events may include speakers, performances, symposia, community-engaged discussions. Events should align with the mission of the Center for Medical Humanities. Learn more about the center here: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/centermedicalhumanities

Events must take place during winter and spring of 2024. Co-sponsorship max request: $500

Decisions will be announced in early January. Questions: Contact the Center for Medical Humanities at medicalhumanities@uci.edu.

To submit:

1) Log in to https://ucihumanities.infoready4.com/ with your UCI NetID.

2) Select Center for Medical Humanities Co-Sponsorships from the list of open calls.

3) Complete online application.

Faculty Grant Awards

Application Deadline – TBA

The UCI Center for Medical Humanities invites applicants from UCI faculty for individual and collaborative research grants (max award $3,000). Grants will be awarded for projects taking place June 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Award notification will be made by April 2024. The Center for Medical Humanities presents and supports projects that explore dimensions of human embodiment, especially as they relate to illness, disability, and other experiences of bodyminds. While individual projects need not present all viewpoints about a particular topic, CMH grant-funded projects are expected to draw on academically sound research and to provide an open space for a range of views.

ONLY UCI Academic Senate and clinical faculty are eligible to apply for Center for Medical Humanities grants. Members of the Center for Medical Humanities’ Executive Committee are not eligible to apply for funding. Members of the Center for Medical Humanities’ Advisory Committee may apply for funding.

Priority will be given to proposals from faculty in the Schools of the Arts, Humanities and Medicine as the lead Schools in the interschool center. Individuals from other schools are welcome to apply, particularly if their proposed project is in collaboration with a colleague from one of the three lead Schools. We encourage collaborative efforts that represent more than one academic discipline and therefore more than one perspective.

Application Instructions
Project Description (3-page maximum): For all applications, please include a description of the overall project and how it will advance the objectives of the Center for Medical Humanities as described on page 1.

Please describe the project’s contribution to your scholarly work and to the field, as well as the specific activities that you will accomplish with the grant funds. Examples of projects include training students to collect and analyze patient stories; a book project on the history of medicine; or a historical or contemporary study of an art form’s relationship to the body.

Project Budget
Please provide the total cost of the proposed project and the requested grant amount. List all project expenses, identifying which expenses will be paid by the grant and which expenses will be paid by other funds. Also list other funds – both received and applied for – that will be used for this project, such as departmental and other grant funds.

Please provide a biosketch or two page CV for the applicant(s).

Post-Project Final Report
If you receive a grant from the Center for Medical Humanities, you will also need to submit a final report that describes what was accomplished with the grant funds, the current and expected status of the project, and how the grant funds were actually expended. Instructions for the final report will be included in the grant award packet.

Grant Payments
Research grant funds will be held by the Center for Medical Humanities and account information will be provided so that expenses can be processed by the home department.

Electronic Submission
Applications must be submitted electronically through InfoReady by March 24, 2023.
1. Log into the following form to submit the application via InfoReady.
2. Complete the online application form.
3. Upload the proposal narrative and budget as a single PDF file. Upload the CV(s) as a separate PDF file.
4. Click “submit” to submit the application. Please note that applications cannot be changed.


Kristen Monroe (Political Science), The Power of Narrative: Resilience & Recovery from Political Trauma (Project)

Kristin Peterson (Anthropology), Cancer After Genocide: Illness Embodiments of Settler Colonialism (Project)

Christofer Rodelo (Chicano/Latino Studies), Latinx Performance + Digital Histories (Project)

Tiffany Willoughby-Herard (African American Studies), Apartheid Doctors: Using Testimonies from Survivors in Tuskegee, AL and Durban, South Africa to support pathways to medical education for URM students at UCI (Project)



Margherita Long (East Asian Studies), Environmental Crisis and Mental Health in modern Japanese Literature (Conference)



Anthony Kubiak (Drama), Healing and Performance: Medical Humanities and The Arts (Workshop)

Daphne Lei (Drama), FINAL MOMENTS (Project)