Chinese Language and Literature
Legend: Course Instructor Title Art His 151B [1] Wue, R. Latr Imperial China Chinese 100A [1] Fuller, M. Classical Chinese Com Lit 160 [1] Abbas, M. New Chinese Cinemas E Asian 110 [1] Hu Ying Love in the May-4th E Asian 140 [2] Suh, S. Sacrifice Kor. Lit. (same as 64691 Intl St 179, Lec G) E Asian 150 [1] Hu Ying Lu Xun E Asian 150 [2] Suh, S. Trans & Colonialism, (same as 64692 Intl St 179, Lec H) E Asian 170 [2] Long, M. FMNSM MOD J NOVEL E Asian 190 [1] Scruggs, B. Green China
[1] China Course
[2] 'Another Country' requirement
Legend: (TENTATIVE) Course Instructor Title Notes E Asian 40 [1] Hu Ying Food Oriented E Asian 110 [1] Scruggs, B. Colonial Taiwan, (same as 64549 Intl St 179, Lec P) Japanse 100B [2] Klein, S. Classical Japanese Korean 101A [2] Staff Fourth Year Korean E Asian 150 [2] Suh, S. Lit Christ In S Kor, (same as 64546 Intl St 179, Lec M) E Asian 190 [2] Suh, S. What is Literature for? E Asian 130 [2] Choi, C. SOC & CULTRE KOREA Chinese 100B [1] Fuller, M. Classical Chinese E Asian 150 [1] Hu Ying Shanghai Tales, (same as 64547 Intl St 179, Lec N) E Asian 155 [2] Fujii, J. Eco-Critical Japan, (same as 26281 GlblClt 103B, Lec B) E Asian 160 [1] Scurggs, B. Taiwan Cinema, (same as 64544 Intl St 179, Lec L) Art His 198 [1] Wue, R. Chinese Bodies grad seminar Art His 298 [1] Wue, R. Chinese Bodies grad seminar History 171E [1] Baum, E. Chinese, 1800-1949 History 274C [1] Baum, E. Modern China grad seminar Inst St 176D [1] Solinger, D. Chinese Politics, (same as 67390 Pol Sci 151C, Lec A) Intl St 179 [1] Scruggs, B. Taiwan Cinema, (same as 23130 E Asian 160, Lec A) Intl St 179 [1] Hu Ying Shanghai Tales, (same as 23120 E Asian 150, Lec A) Intl St 179 [1] Scruggs, B. Colonial Taiwan, (same as 23085 E Asian 110, Lec A) Pol Sci 151C [1] Solinger, D. Chinese Politics, (same as 64450 Intl St 176D, Lec A) Intl St 142D [2] Uriu, R. Intl Rel of E Asia, (same as 67320 Pol Sci 142B, Lec A) Intl St 179 [2] Fedman, D. The Two Koreas, (same as 26710 History 173G, Lec A) History 173G [2] Fedman, D. The Two Koreas, (same as 64522 Intl St 179, Lec D) Intl St 179 [2] Suh, S. Lit Christ In S Kor, (same as 23121 E Asian 150, Lec B) Pol Sci 141C [2] Uriu, R. Int Pol Econ:E Asia Pol Sci 142B [2] Uriu, R. Intl Rel of E Asia, (same as 64360 Intl St 142D, Lec A)
[1] China Course
[2] 'Another Country' requirement
Legend: (TENTATIVE) Course Instructor Title Chinese 115 [1] Huang, M. HONGLOU MENG E Asian 55 [1] Scruggs, B. SPACE/PLACE CHINA E Asian 190 [2] Klein, S. SHAKESPR & KUROSAWA E Asian 150 [2] Kim, K. TRANSNATIONAL KOREA (same as 22809 Com Lit 150, Lec A) E Asian 116 [2] Choi, C. CHRST, MDRN &K CNMA (same as 31220 Rel Std 100, Lec A; and 64685 Intl St 179, Lec G) E Asian 170 [2] Choi, C. KOR WMN SINCE 1500 (same as 64687 Intl St 179, Lec H) Chinese 100C [1] Fuller, M. CLASSICAL CHINESE E Asian 120 [2] Fujii, J. TRAINS JPN MODRNITY (same as 64689 Intl St 179, Lec I) E Asian 1A [1] Fuller, M. CLASSICAL CHIN LIT Japanse 101B [2] Swain, J. 4TH YEAR JAPANESE E Asian 110 [1] Scruggs, B. CONTEMP CH FICTION (same as 64683 Intl St 179, Lec F) E Asian 110 [1] Huang, M. GEDR & MODRN CH LIT Japanse 180 [2] Klein, S. TRAD POETRY & THTR History 171D [1] Guo, Q. CHINSE HIST TO 1800 History 190 [1] Guo, Q. MOD TRANSFORM CHINA History 152 [1] Chen, Y. PAC RIM: CHINA&AMER (same as 21560 AsianAm 111, Lec A; and 64520 Intl St 179, Lec B)
[1] China Course
[2] 'Another Country' requirement