On Thursday, March 5th at 4pm, the Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies is hosting a lecture by Dr. Emma Shaw Crane, assistant professor of Urban and Environmental Studies at Loyola Marymount University titled “The sounds of war: Domestic empire in the Florida suburbs.” Dr. Crane received her PhD in American Studies from New York University in 2021. Her work has been published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Public Culture, and Antipode.
Abstract for her talk. In Homestead, just south of Miami, the sounds of F-16 fighter jets saturate a suburban military base and an adjacent detention camp for migrant children. Between 2016 and 2019, thousands of detained children were exposed to noise from the fighter jets at levels associated with cognitive harm. Yet beyond the camp, in the suburbs that border the military base, the noise of the jets nurtures durable “attachments to war” (Terry 2017) and support for the military project. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, this talk reflects on the sound of the fighter jets as both slippery ethnographic object and a site of ambivalent political mobilization.
The talk will be in person in HG 1010 at 4pm. Light refreshments will be served. We hope that you will join us and extend the invitation to your friends who may be interested.