Julian is a writer of fiction and non-fiction as well as a committed member of the Los Angeles Tenants Union. When it comes to his composition classes at UCI, he is especially interested in the way that writing—whether this means research- and argument-based essays or more personal, autobiographical genres—has the potential to change the people who take it seriously. In other words, he’s interested in writing that leads to action and that is also an action in its own right—writing that changes us even as it participates in changing the world.
Courses Typically Taught:
- Writing 45
- Writing 60
Themes Typically Taught:
- WR 60: Social Movements and the Politics of Change
- WR 45: Autoethnography
Textbooks Needed:
- Besides the AGWR, you will not be required to purchase textbooks for my courses. All texts will be available as PDFs on our Canvas page.
Email: jsmithne@uci.edu