I received my PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of South Florida in 1996; my areas of specialization include digital literacies and intersections between writing theory, feminism and film studies. I have been teaching composition at UCI since 2000. Before coming to UCI, I was an Assistant Professor at Ithaca College, and before that an Associate Professor at Hillsborough Community College, where I taught First-Year Writing, Senior-level writing, Professional and Business Writing, Technical Writing, Writing about Films, World Literature, and American Literature. I also spent six years working as Marketing Manager and Advertising Manager for technology firms in FL and SoCal. I have authored and co-authored books and articles about composition and film studies, including chapters of composition textbooks for McGraw-Hill and Cengage, and a co-edited a book of essays entitled From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture (1996) that is still being used in film studies classes in the US and Europe.
Courses Typically Taught:
- Writing 40
- Writing 45
- Writing 50
- Writing 60
Themes Typically Taught:
- WR40: Disney films and the Social Construction of Gender
- WR45/50: The Superhero Genre
- WR 60: Animal Science and Scicomm
Email: lhaas@uci.edu