Squid Game @ UCI
We invite all UCI students, faculty, staff, and the general public to attend Squid Game @ UCI. The event, which will take place from 3:30-5:00pm on Tuesday, 26 October, will feature a short talk and Q&A session from UCI’s Professor Kyung Hyun Kim, who is internationally renowned for his research on Korean media and popular culture. The second part of the event will feature games inspired by the series. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate and win a small prize because, after all, according to the Front Man, “Everyone is equal while they play this game. Here, the players get to play a fair game under the same conditions.” No RSVP required: come for both parts of the event or just drop by for a quick game and chance to win a prize!
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
3:30-4:15PM Talk / Q&A Session with Professor Kyung Hyun Kim, Moderated by Professor Joseph Jonghyun Jeon.
4:15-5:00PM Games - Win Prizes!
Location: Humanities Gateway 1030
Speaker Bio: Kyung Hyun Kim is a Professor of East Asian Studies and Visual Studies at UCI and Founding Director of the Center for Critical Korean Studies. His latest works include Hegemonic Mimicry: Korean Popular Culture of the Twenty-First Century (Duke University Press) and the screenplay, The Mask Debate. He has written about Squid Game in Foreign Policy, and has been interviewed about the series on Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, Vox Media and several other international media outlets.
Moderator Bio: Joseph Jonghyun Jeon is a Professor of English and Director of the Center for Critical Korean Studies at UCI. His research focuses on, among other topics, financial precarity and income inequalities in South Korea, a prominent theme in Squid Game. His most recent book is Vicious Circuits: Korea’s IMF Cinema and the End of the American Century (Stanford University Press).
Host and Sponsor Info: This event is co-hosted by the Program in Global Languages & Communication, the Center for Critical Korean Studies, and the International Student Excellence Program. The event is also co-sponsored by the following units:
We invite all UCI students, faculty, staff, and the general public to attend Squid Game @ UCI. The event, which will take place from 3:30-5:00pm on Tuesday, 26 October, will feature a short talk and Q&A session from UCI’s Professor Kyung Hyun Kim, who is internationally renowned for his research on Korean media and popular culture. The second part of the event will feature games inspired by the series. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate and win a small prize because, after all, according to the Front Man, “Everyone is equal while they play this game. Here, the players get to play a fair game under the same conditions.” No RSVP required: come for both parts of the event or just drop by for a quick game and chance to win a prize!
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
3:30-4:15PM Talk / Q&A Session with Professor Kyung Hyun Kim, Moderated by Professor Joseph Jonghyun Jeon.
4:15-5:00PM Games - Win Prizes!
Location: Humanities Gateway 1030
Speaker Bio: Kyung Hyun Kim is a Professor of East Asian Studies and Visual Studies at UCI and Founding Director of the Center for Critical Korean Studies. His latest works include Hegemonic Mimicry: Korean Popular Culture of the Twenty-First Century (Duke University Press) and the screenplay, The Mask Debate. He has written about Squid Game in Foreign Policy, and has been interviewed about the series on Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, Vox Media and several other international media outlets.
Moderator Bio: Joseph Jonghyun Jeon is a Professor of English and Director of the Center for Critical Korean Studies at UCI. His research focuses on, among other topics, financial precarity and income inequalities in South Korea, a prominent theme in Squid Game. His most recent book is Vicious Circuits: Korea’s IMF Cinema and the End of the American Century (Stanford University Press).
Host and Sponsor Info: This event is co-hosted by the Program in Global Languages & Communication, the Center for Critical Korean Studies, and the International Student Excellence Program. The event is also co-sponsored by the following units:
- Department of East Asian Studies
- Illuminations
- Department of Asian American Studies
- Department of Film & Media Studies
- Center for Asian Studies