UCI Summer Graduate Fellowships in Persian Studies - Summer 2022
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6WxdsoZ8kYZ27e8We35jKRRes6SlRdL-OP3jl3HlceammTA/viewform) by Friday, April 22, 2022. UCI Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture offers summer fellowships for graduate students enrolled at UC Irvine whose Ph.D. research is in Persian/Iranian Studies. Students may be at any level in a Ph.D. program (i.e. the student need not be advanced to doctoral candidacy). Funds should be used from July 1 to September 30, 2022. Fellowships Moheimani Family Fellowship(s) supports Humanities and Arts Ph.D. students working on Iranian/Persian language(s), history, and culture. Two fellowships of $2,500 will be awarded. Farzaneh Family Fellowship supports Humanities and Arts Ph.D. students with interest in Persian Studies, broadly construed. One fellowship of $2,000 will be awarded. Movahedi Family Fellowship in Iranian Studies supports Humanities and Arts Ph.D. students with interest in Persian Studies, broadly construed. One fellowship of $2,500 will be awarded. Razi Family Foundation Fellowship in Ancient Iranian Studies supports only Humanities Ph.D. students with research focused on Ancient Iranian Studies. One fellowship of $4,500 will be awarded. Application Process To apply, please submit the following materials to this Google Form at (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6WxdsoZ8kYZ27e8We35jKRRes6SlRdL-OP3jl3HlceammTA/viewform) by Friday, April 22, 2022, 11:59 PM PDT.
Applications are due to this Google Form, at (- A letter no longer than two pages with a description of your research and its current status (i.e., at which stage of research/writing), and expected outcomes for the summer. If you will be traveling to conduct research, please specify what archives or other resources you will be using and why these are important to your project. If you will use the award as a summer stipend for leaving expenses, explain what library and other resources you will use during the summer and what you expect to produce, e.g., a chapter draft.
- A budget (all awards can be used for research travel and materials or as summer stipends for living expenses).
- A current two-page CV.
These summer fellowships are ONLY for UC Irvine's graduate students. UCI Students are encouraged to apply for all fellowships and awards.sjalalip@uci.edu
For more information, please contact: Saeid Jalalipour, UCI Program Manager of Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture,